23 million for research data on societal challenges

Forte grants 12 projects that applied in the call Project Grants for new, improved and accessible research data 2024. The overall aim is for the projects to generate new data and make data accessible that can serve as the basis for new research within Fortes research areas.
In May 2024 Forte opened a call for project grants for the collection and management of research data. For example to conduct new data collection for existing longitudinal studies or to supplement existing research material with new registry data. Now Forte’s board has decided to fund 23 million SEK for 12 projects that applied in the call.
– The 12 granted projects will work with data that deals with current topics of societal relevance. For example, research data on narcotics and doping, climate change, asylum decisions, the labor market, health crises and commonly occurring diseases in children, says Johan Söderlind, senior research officer at Forte.
Projects funded by Forte must both maintain high scientific quality and be relevant in relation to societal problems. Since the utilisation of research is also a central part of Forte’s mission, the projects granted funding must have potential to make implementation of research within Forte’s areas possible.
– Several of the projects create added value within their research environment or field and form a good basis for new research. The data that will now be generated or made accessible should, in the long term, contribute to strengthening the conditions for research in our fields; health, working life and welfare, says Olle Lundberg, secretary general at Forte.
Projects awarded funding:
- Magnus Domellöf, Umeå University
The NorthPop research infrastructure – data collection and availability for researchers - Pär Stattin, Uppsala University
PCBaSe Xtend; Pathfinder project for enrichment of a research database with individual-level healthcare data - Johan Ericsson, Uppsala University
The (very) long run health effects of industrial pollution - David Sundemo, Region Västra Götaland
Development of an Open, Synthetic Medical Record Dataset in Swedish for AI Advancement in Healthcare - Fredrik Nyberg, Gothenburg University
SCIFI-PEARL – a national register project for research about COVID-19, health crises and pharmacoepidemiology - Lisa Dinkler, Karolinska Institutet
Ensuring longevity and accessibility of data and biological samples from over 24,000 participants at the Centre for Eating Disorders Innovation (CEDI) - Anna Sarkadi, Uppsala University
Asylum Decision Research Infrastructure (ADRI): Developing AI and metadata to establish and provide access to a comprehensive research corpus for analyzing Swedish Migration Agency decisions - Anne-Marie Fors Connolly, Umeå University
CRITICAL MICROBES – Comprehensive Research on InfecTions Across The human Lifespan; Microbiology Epidemiology in Sweden - Jenny Selander, Karolinska Institutet
SWEJEM – a national resource for exposure assessment of occupational exposure in epidemiological studies - Theo Bodin, Karolinska Institutet
Improving the Occupational Register and Providing Tools for Labor Market Research - Petter Ljungman, Karolinska Institutet
Climate change and environmental health in Sweden – development and exploitation of a national exposome database (EXPO) - Louise Karlsson, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Database for narcotics and doping presence in the Swedish wastewater system